Cordstrap Lashing
Cordsrapt lashing is the most effective way to secure cargo for domestic and international shipping.
These products are specifically designed to secure cargo ini container, flat racks, railcars or ships.
Polyester one-way lashing systems have many advantages over conventional cargo scuring product and Cordstrap lashing eliminates incidents and damage to your cargo.
- Strong – system strength of up to 20 tons
- Easy, fast and safe to apply
- Protective
- Shock absorbent
- Possibility of personalization
- Light weight
- Porable
- Certification including Germanischer Lloyd and AAR
- Full CTU code compliant

Cordlash Woven Lashing
Cordlash polyester lashing solution have many advantages over conventional lashing products. They are safe, cost-and time-effective and easy to apply – and eliminate cargo damage.
Benefits of Cordlash Woven Lashing Include :
- Easy, fast and safe to apply
- Protective
- Shock absorbent
- High retanied tension
- Light weight
- Certified and approved by Germanischer Lloyd, AAR and IMO

Composite Lashing
Known as synthetic steel, Cordstrap composite (CC) strapping is the latest development in strapping technology. Manufactured from high tenacity polyester yarns embedded in a polymer coating, CC strapping is available in a variety of widths and strengths.
Benetifs of Composite Lashing include :
- Strength of up to 1800 daN / 4050 lbf
- Safe to apply and remove
- Non abrasive – will not damage products in transit
- Possibility of personalization
- Light Weight
- Portability
- Weather resistance
- Rust and rot-proof
- Re-tensionable
- Germanischer Lloyd certified